Nina Bouraoui : construction sexuelle et transgression identitaire
MONTSERRAT SERRANO MANESABSTRACT. There is among French and Maghrebian writers a category of authors of an antithetical statute. Those who have chosen French language as a citizenship are feeling themselves torn between two identities, for they belong simultaneously to two different spaces of civilization. In their writing we feel the contradictory poles that shape the duality of culture and identity. Nina Bouraoui, whose research is resolutely of gender studies, appears to us as a paradigmatic case. In her need to divide races, cultures and especially sexes, she drags from one sea to another her identity of a generic fracture and seeks through scriptural transgression, a space where in-between becomes peaceful, where her duality, or rather her multiplicity, can coexist. Garçon manqué, Poupée Bella, Mes mauvaises pensées, allow us to apprehend her subjectivity and discover a deep desire to get to know herself and to accept herself. pp. 33–48
Keywords: identity quest, transgression, sexuality, gender