KOSTAS SKORDOULISABSTRACT. In this paper I present the main policies of neoliberal capitalism concerning the production of knowledge arguing that the so-called ‘cognitive capitalism’ is nothing more than a characteristic feature of Late Capitalism as described by the Marxist economist Ernest Mandel. I review the currently fashionable view among radical intellectuals that science, despite being the most effective process of knowledge production, is a construction of western colonialist, masculine, racist culture deprived of any ability to give an objective account of reality. Finally, I revisit the classic Marxist theory of knowledge and attempt to articulate a theory of science as social practice incorporating Vygotsky’s theory of symbolic tools and Zilsel’s sociological account of the role of artisans and technicians in the birth of modern science. pp. 291–307
Keywords: science; knowledge; practice; Marxism; Vygotsky; Zilsel