Stereotype Threat: A Hidden Barrier for Academics who Teach?
Andrew FisherABSTRACT. In this paper, I consider the new idea that the stereotype threat of being an academic can impede teaching. This includes teaching in any context, large groups, small groups, outreach in schools, etc. I propose that this is due to a disruption of short-term and procedural memory. If this is true, then we can draw on other research surrounding stereotype threat to help academics improve their teaching. The paper ends by making some practical suggestions, including reducing student evaluation of teaching, increasing peer observation, and increasing positive messaging surrounding teaching. The paper will have succeeded if it leaves the reader curious as to whether there is a stereotype threat of being an academic which impedes teaching in higher education.
Keywords: teaching; stereotype threat; academic identity
How to cite: Fisher, A. (2021). “Stereotype Threat: A Hidden Barrier for Academics who Teach?,” Knowledge Cultures 9(2): 117–129. doi: 10.22381/kc9220214.
Received 31 May 2021 • Received in revised form 20 June 2021
Accepted 22 June 2021 • Available online 1 July 2021