RACHEL DANE-POIRIER, KRISTIN MARCIOCHIABSTRACT. While few teachers would deny the case for globalization and its influence on the instructional, methodological, and technological elements of the 21st century classroom, many are not prepared to incorporate these shifts into the curriculum. With dwindling resources and more time being devoted to standardized test preparation and delivery, especially in the United States, teachers are increasingly pressured to make concessions with regard to globally themed curricula. However, it is essential that students gain adequate exposure to global issues and contemporary themes if they are to truly develop as reflective, critical thinkers. When exploring resource options, it seemed that the majority of available curricular packages were simply inadequate in that they were created with the intention of replacing existing academic content. As a result, we found it necessary to create a multi-media curriculum guide which could be used as a supplemental resource within the classroom in order to enrich current content in any subject area.
We focused heavily on documentary film simply because – given changing technologies and the nature of student communications – there are so many online resources available which are engaging, effective, and powerful instructional tools. Furthermore, with the myriad supplemental offerings accessible online, it made sense to start with a visual piece and expand it with other media forms. This also allows for traditional print resource to serve as the baseline, and supplemental works to build upon student understanding, offering the potential for enrichment, differentiation, and modification within the original unit.
As educators with an interest in global studies and communication, we found it necessary to seek methods through which teachers would be able to access global, up-to-date content and integrate it into their classroom curriculum. While some of the resources presented here are found on Digital Versatile Disk, we made every effort to find open source materials. We recognize that global issues change rapidly, so we selected themes that we believe truly reflect important segments across society and the curriculum.
Although it would be wonderful to teach each of these selected works and use all of the supplemental resources, this guide should serve as a starting point for teachers wishing to enrich their current curriculum. With multiple potential connections, it is possible that a student could be exposed to each of the selected themes throughout the course of a single academic year. We hope that this guide serves as a powerful curricular resource, and encourages you to explore other methods of in- corporating global concepts into your current classroom practice. pp. 33–36