Editorial: Can Chinese Internationalism Re-Flatten the Earth? International Student Mobility, Hospitality and Chinese Higher Education
Benjamin GreenABSTRACT. International student mobility takes place within the framework of globalized international education and concerns the decision by an individual to move abroad for the purposes of acquiring an international education (Riano & Piguet, 2016). International student mobility has been categorized two ways: migration for short-term, temporary tertiary training, or “credit mobility” and migration as the long-term physical crossing of borders for enrolment in a degree program, or “degree mobility” (Riano & Piguet, 2016; Sanchez Barrioluengo & Flisi, 2017). The study of international student mobility is critical to understanding the patterns of participation, spatial considerations and social positioning that play a role in students’ decisions (Brooks & Waters, 2011) to become “internationally mobile academics” (Teichler, 2017). Moreover, as the transnationalization of higher education itself becomes increasingly mobile, signaling a deterritorialization of higher education, international student mobility research in higher education no longer concerns itself simply with physical mobility (Kahn & Misiaszek, 2019). pp. 7–10