SAYAN DEYABSTRACT. The Eurocentric bracketing of human existence created universally defined hierarchical propositions and feminism was one of them. It focuses upon certain feminine segments in society and quite systematically ignores the others. The Feminist movement that emerged in Europe made efforts to create a globally relevant galactic project against patriarchy. But unfortunately with the geo-political shifts of time and space it was realized that the various layers and sub-layers of feminine exploitations were overlooked in different forms and intensities within multifarious socio-cultural contours. The existential binaries based upon class, communities, castes (if talking with respect to Indian socio-cultural structure), creed and religions have further nurtured and aggravated gendered complexities. The implementation of universal methodologies to address feminine conditions all over the globe needs to be seriously interrogated. This article engages with the conditions of Indian women who are regularly disrespected and rejected as widows and prostitutes. It also explores genealogical-existential ideologies underlined with mythological and political (ir)rationalities that continue to dominate their lives. Within the paradigm of ‘bastuhara nari’ or feminine homelessness, my research tries to explore the different options that could be undertaken to address the issues in a meticulous manner. This doesn’t assure an ultimate solution but surely ensures optimistic socio-cultural moves towards better conditions of women. pp. 36–50
Keywords: Euro-centric; feminist; patriarchy; (ir)rationalities; multi-dimensional; bastuhara nari