Self-Presentation and Interaction on Romance Social Media Platforms: Networked Intimacy, Sexual Arrangements, and Dating Practices
Caroline SchreursABSTRACT. Empirical research provides mixed results regarding self-presentation and interaction on romance social media platforms. Using and replicating data from GlobalWebIndex and Pew Research Center, I performed analyses and made estimates regarding the demographics of dating app users (%), U.S. adults who are married, living with a partner, or in some other committed relationship met their spouse/partner online (%), and Internet users who agree that online dating is a good way to meet people/online dating allows people to find a better match/people who use online dating sites are desperate/online dating keeps people from settling down (%). Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling.
Keywords: self-presentation; interaction; romance social media platform; dating
How to cite: Schreurs, Caroline (2019). “Self-Presentation and Interaction on Romance Social Media Platforms: Networked Intimacy, Sexual Arrangements, and Dating Practices,” Journal of Research in Gender Studies 9(1): 160–166. doi:10.22381/JRGS9120199
Received 1 March 2019 • Received in revised form 5 July 2019
Accepted 6 July 2019 • Available online 10 July 2019