DOINA POPESCU LJUNGHOLMABSTRACT. The theory that I shall seek to elaborate here puts considerable emphasis on processes that generate the responsibility related to a significant reputation, the constraints and likelihoods of reputation management in the public sphere, the advantages of possessing a high reputation in a public sector framework, and the principal schemes of reputation management that are accessible to public administration entities. This paper discusses the major trends in scholarship about the character of organizational reputations in the public sector, the reputation of separate administrative organizations that operate as independent participants within the political-administrative system, the link between audience members and organizational reputation in the public sector, and the increasing concern of public sector entities in handling their reputation. pp. 46–52
Keywords: organizational reputation; public sector; bureaucracy; management
How to cite: Popescu Ljungholm, Doina (2016), “Bureaucratic Reputation Management in the Public Sector,” Review of Contemporary Philosophy 15: 46–52.
Received 14 March 2016 • Received in revised form 3 April 2016
Accepted 4 April 2016 • Available online 12 May 2016