ANCA IULIA STOIAN, MIHNEA DRUMEAABSTRACT. We rely on recent literature (e.g. Sharpless, 2015; Bosworth et al., 2017; Cade, 2017; Hoang and Reich, 2017) to prove that rigorous enforcement of deportation laws has led to corrective outcomes for persons and the dissolution of families. Using data from Centre for Immigration Studies,, Full Fact, Pew Research Centre, The Economist, and US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, we performed an analysis and made estimates regarding unauthorized immigrants by length of residence in the US and criminal alien deportations from the interior, deportations by criminal status, aliens with final removal orders from select recalcitrant or non-cooperative foreign countries, foreign national prison population and number of foreign national offenders removed by the Home Office, and removals and returns of illegal immigrants.
JEL codes: F22; J61; O15; R23
Keywords: criminal deportation; unauthorized immigrant; foreign national offender
How to cite: Stoian, Anca Iulia, and Mihnea Drumea (2017). “The Economics of Criminal Deportation,” Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 12(4): 83–88.
Received 18 August 2016 • Received in revised form 23 March 2017
Accepted 28 June 2017 • Available online 22 November 2017