LUMINITA IONESCUABSTRACT. The purpose of this article is to gain a deeper understanding of the matters related to the implementation of globally adequate standards and regulations in China, the manners in which accounting rhetoric has operated to facilitate China’s transition in the direction of a market economy, and the market configuration of the accounting profession in China. The literature on large-scale current advancements in government accounting and financial reporting in China, the function of global companies and institutions in the progress of the accounting profession in China, and the effect of political and cultural dogma on Chinese accounting systems is relevant to this discussion.
JEL codes: H83; M4; G34
Keywords: China; corporate governance; accounting reform; financial reporting
How to cite: Ionescu, Luminita (2017), “Corporate Governance and Accounting Reforms in China,” Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 12(1): 82–88.
Received 18 April 2016 • Received in revised form 22 June 2016
Accepted 23 June 2016 • Available online 19 July 2016