GHEORGHE H. POPESCU, MIHAELA COMANESCU, ZOICA DINCA (NICOLA)ABSTRACT. The purpose of this paper is to gain a deeper understanding of the green progress of China’s industrial energy-intensive sectors, the impact of the alteration of economic structure on the emissions and energy utilization in China, and the environmental expenses of the swift economic growth of China. Applying new conceptual and methodological approaches, this study advances to the next level research on the macroeconomic and environmental framework of the Chinese economy and China’s endeavors towards energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions reduction. pp. 94–100
JEL codes: Q01; Q56; O13; P28
Keywords: economic growth; emissions reduction; energy utilization
How to cite: Popescu, Gheorghe H., Mihaela Comanescu, and Zoica Dinca (Nicola) (2016), “Economic Growth and Energy Utilization in China,” Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 11(2): 94–100.
Received 10 November 2015 • Received in revised form 18 April 2016
Accepted 18 April 2016 • Available online 10 June 2016