The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Use in the Public Sector
Teodora Nicoleta Pleșa*, Iulian Miserciu*, and Constanța Popescu*ABSTRACT. The development of artificial intelligence (AI) represents one of the greatest discoveries of the current century, being called the fifth industrial revolution. The use of AI-based tools within public sector entities is still at the beginning, but the experience reported to date has identified both advantages and risks. The article aims to analyze the impact of the use of artificial intelligence in the public sector, as well as its evaluation on the activity in this frame. The research methodology is based on the answer to the question “What is the impact of the use of tools based on artificial intelligence on the activity of entities from public sector?” by which the authors aim to evaluate both the advantages and the risks of using such tools. At the same time, the paper addresses the use of tools based on artificial intelligence from the perspective of the public audit carried out by the supreme audit institutions. The main conclusions of the paper refer to the current state of the use of artificial intelligence in the public sector. The authors’ recommendations can be the basis of future research in this regard.
JEL codes: H83; H57; H61
Keywords: artificial intelligence; public sector; audit; performance
How to cite: Pleșa, T. N., Miserciu, I., and Popescu C. (2024). “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Use in the Public Sector,” Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 19(2): 17–31. doi: 10.22381/emfm19220242.
Received 2 June 2024 • Received in revised form 24 June 2024
Accepted 25 June 2024 • Available online 10 July 2024