DOINA POPESCU LJUNGHOLMABSTRACT. In this paper I am particularly interested in exploring the emotional aspect as an essential constituent of leadership capability, the possible effect of emotions on work outcomes and on functioning in public organizations, and the function that emotions have in organizational settings. The theory that I shall seek to elaborate here puts considerable emphasis on positive associations between emotional intelligence and functioning outcomes, the handling of emotions in public spheres, and the direct consequences of emotional intelligence on public workforce results. The results of the current study converge with prior research on the function of emotional intelligence to indirectly impact competitive benefit, management as emotional intelligence, and the character and outcomes of emotional intelligence. pp. 128–133
JEL Codes: L2; O19; D23
Keywords: emotional intelligence; public organization; performance outcome
How to cite: Popescu Ljungholm, Doina (2014), “Emotional Intelligence in Organizational Behavior,” Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 9(3): 128–133.