ELVIRA NICAABSTRACT. The purpose of this article is to gain a deeper understanding of the procedures that constitute the backbone of the health care organization, separate leadership in health services, and elements that influence whether and how leadership involvements generate enhancements in health care team or organizational functioning. This study is grounded in the considerable body of scholarship examining success in leading alteration of health care organizations and the difficult tasks that tackle them, the effectiveness of leader improvement in healthcare, and the relevance of transformational and authentic leadership as a predictor of quality results in health care contexts. The literature on organizational culture in health care, the ethics of healthcare organization, the importance of particular involvements in enhancing leader effectiveness in health care, and leadership improvement in health care is relevant to this discussion. pp. 118–123
Keywords: moral leadership; health care organization
How to cite: Nica, Elvira (2015), “Moral Leadership in Health Care Organizations,” American Journal of Medical Research 2(2): 118–123.
Received 14 March 2015 • Received in revised form 11 September 2015
Accepted 15 September 2015 • Available online 10 October 2015