Internet of Things-enabled Smart Devices in Medical Practice: Healthcare Big Data, Wearable Biometric Sensors, and Real-Time Patient Monitoring
Kate MillerABSTRACT. This article presents an empirical study carried out to evaluate and analyze Internet of Things-enabled smart devices in medical practice. Building my argument by drawing on data collected from Accenture, Dresner Advisory Services, eMarketer, Ericsson ConsumerLab, Massachusetts Medical Society, NEJM Catalyst, Syneos Health, and Tata Consultancy Services, I performed analyses and made estimates regarding top benefits of using technology for patient engagement and the use of machine learning algorithms and real-time data in healthcare. Data collected from 3,500 respondents are tested against the research model by using structural equation modeling.
Keywords: Internet of Things; healthcare big data; real-time patient monitoring
How to cite: Miller, Kate (2020). “Internet of Things-enabled Smart Devices in Medical Practice: Healthcare Big Data, Wearable Biometric Sensors, and Real-Time Patient Monitoring,” American Journal of Medical Research 7(1): 27–33. doi:10.22381/AJMR7120204
Received 11 January 2020 • Received in revised form 10 April 2020
Accepted 14 April 2020 • Available online 18 April 2020