Medical Big Data Analytics and Smart Internet of Things-enabled Mobile-based Health Monitoring Systems
Sue KrechABSTRACT. This paper analyzes the outcomes of an exploratory review of the current research on smart Internet of Things-enabled mobile-based health monitoring systems. The data used for this study was obtained and replicated from previous research conducted by Accenture, CBInsights, Deloitte, Dresner Advisory Services, and Statista. I performed analyses and made estimates regarding Internet of Things importance by function (%), collaborations with health care providers (%), Internet of Things connected devices installed base worldwide (2015–2025, in billions), and diagnostics as a major driver of healthcare artificial intelligence equity deals. Data collected from 4,600 respondents are tested against the research model by using structural equation modeling.
Keywords: medical big data analytics; mobile-based health monitoring system
How to cite: Krech, Sue (2019). “Medical Big Data Analytics and Smart Internet of Things-enabled Mobile-based Health Monitoring Systems,” American Journal of Medical Research 6(2): 31–36. doi:10.22381/AJMR6220194
Received 16 June 2019 • Received in revised form 10 September 2019
Accepted 12 September 2019 • Available online 22 September 2019