Healthcare Big Data Systems, Wearable Medical Devices, and Remote Patient Care
Daniel Medin-Eastwood, Ivana Podhorska, Pavol KubalaABSTRACT. Employing recent research results covering the relationship between healthcare big data systems, wearable medical devices, and remote patient care, and building our argument by drawing on data collected from Deloitte, Dresner Advisory Services, PAC, and Zebra Technologies, we performed analyses and made estimates regarding Internet of Things importance by function and the new business models and ways of working implemented by medtech companies (e.g. whether health care providers and clinicians are ready to utilize data generated from connected medical devices).
Keywords: healthcare big data system; wearable medical device; remote patient care
How to cite: Medin-Eastwood, Daniel, Ivana Podhorska, and Pavol Kubala (2019). “Healthcare Big Data Systems, Wearable Medical Devices, and Remote Patient Care,” American Journal of Medical Research 6(1): 48–53. doi:10.22381/AJMR6120198
Received 1 December 2018 • Received in revised form 12 March 2019
Accepted 14 March 2019 • Available online 5 April 2019