Incorporating Cognitive Artificial Intelligence Systems and Real-Time Data Analytics in Clinical Care Delivery
Gerald Duft, Anna Siekelova, Juraj KolencikABSTRACT. We inspect the relevant literature on the use of large-scale artificial intelligence tools in medicine, providing both quantitative evidence on trends and numerous in-depth empirical examples. Building our argument by drawing on data collected from CBInsights, GMInsights, Massachusetts Medical Society, McKinsey & Co., and NEJM Catalyst, we performed analyses and made estimates regarding value to date from artificial intelligence adoption (by business function), U.S. healthcare artificial intelligence market size (by application), most significant barriers organizations face in adopting artificial intelligence, how digitized organizations source capabilities and talent needed for artificial intelligence work, diagnostics as a major driver of healthcare artificial intelligence equity deals, and top benefits of using technology for patient engagement.
Keywords: cognitive artificial intelligence; real-time data analytics; clinical care delivery
How to cite: Duft, Gerald, Anna Siekelova, and Juraj Kolencik (2019). “Incorporating Cognitive Artificial Intelligence Systems and Real-Time Data Analytics in Clinical Care Delivery,” American Journal of Medical Research 6(1): 60–65. doi:10.22381/AJMR61201910
Received 4 December 2018 • Received in revised form 13 March 2019
Accepted 15 March 2019 • Available online 5 April 2019