The Interplay between Tourism, FDI, Remittance, and Women’s Employment: Evidence from Low-Income Countries
Elvira Nica1, Danuta Szpilko2, Simona Stamule1, Alice AlAkoum1, Alexandru Bogdan1, Petris Geambazi1ABSTRACT. This study used data collected from these nations to examine the impact of tourism on women’s employment in 32 low-income countries (LICs) from 1996 to 2020. This research uses panel generalized least squares (GLS), system-generalized methods of moments (S-GMM), and quantile regression (QR) to evaluate the data. Total tourist arrivals, exports, foreign direct investment (FDI), remittances, urbanization, and the mortality rate of female children are considered in this study. Additionally, this study examines the impact of the tourism sector on employment with other control variables. The findings show that tourism considerably affects women’s employment in general. FDI, exports, and urbanization positively impact women’s economic employment. On the other hand, the mortality of female children and remittances are negatively associated with women’s employment. The S-GMM, QR, and GLS regressions have the same sign and direction. The robustness of our findings is demonstrated in this way. Considering the findings, tourism policy in low-income nations should be rethought so that more tourists and women are employed in tourist-related industries.
JEL codes: L83; F24; J21
Keywords: low-income countries; sustainable tourism; trade openness; women labor force; economic growth; quantile regression
How to cite: Nica, E., Szpilko, D., Stamule, S., AlAkoum, A., Bogdan, A., & Geambazi, P. (2023). “The Interplay between Tourism, FDI, Remittance, and Women’s Employment: Evidence from Low-Income Countries,” Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics 11(2): 9–26. doi: 10.22381/jsme11220231.
Received 12 January 2023 • Received in revised form 19 June 2023
Accepted 24 June 2023 • Available online 25 June 2023