Fortress America, Civil Unrest and Red Lines in The Sand
Michael A. Peters*ABSTRACT. This paper provides a critical analysis of the political landscape leading up to the U.S. elections on November 5th 2024 and the potential implications of the outcomes. The backdrop is a global stage where nations are witnessing a pivotal moment in history, with the U.S. election being a focal point. The introductory section frames the election as a highly charged and significant event, likening it to a Shakespearean play with complex and far-reaching consequences. It highlights the actions of President Biden, the legal troubles of former President Trump, student protests, a divided Supreme Court, and U.S. involvement in international conflicts, all of which contribute to the heightened tension and unpredictability. The paper then expands the scope to include global elections, emphasizing the importance of democracy and the potential impact of the U.S. election on the global stage. It discusses the debate between free trade and protectionism, particularly in the context of U.S. relations with China. The main focus of the paper is an exploration of two critical issues: “Fortress America,” which refers to the country’s shift towards isolationism and protectionism, and the prospect of civil unrest in the event of an unsuccessful bid by Donald Trump in the election. The author examines the implications of these issues for the outcome of the election and the stability of the nation. The paper concludes with a speculative discussion on the situation in Taiwan following the recent election, adding another layer of complexity to the already tense geopolitical environment. This work provides valuable insights into the potential consequences of the U.S. elections not only for the United States but also for the global community, as the world braces for the outcomes and their impact on democracy, international relations, and economic policies.
JEL codes: D53; E22; E32; E44; G01; G41
Keywords: U.S. elections; civil unrest; fortress America; protectionism; geopolitical tensions; democracy and its challenges
How to cite: Peters, M. A. (2024). “Fortress America, Civil Unrest and Red Lines in The Sand,” Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics 12(3): 9–23. doi: 10.22381/jsme12320241.
Received 12 May 2024 • Received in revised form 1 June 2024
Accepted 2 June 2024 • Available online 25 June 2024