Artificial Intelligence-based Decision-Making Algorithms, Sustainable Organizational Performance, and Automated Production Systems in Big Data-Driven Smart Urban Economy
Evelyn CunninghamABSTRACT. The purpose of this study was to empirically examine artificial intelligence-based decision-making algorithms, sustainable organizational performance, and automated production systems in big data-driven smart urban economy. Building my argument by drawing on data collected from Algorithmia, Capgemini, Deloitte, Management Events, and PwC, I performed analyses and made estimates regarding Internet of Things sensing networks in cyber-physical system-based manufacturing. Descriptive statistics of compiled data from the completed surveys were calculated when appropriate.
JEL codes: E24; J21; J54; J64
Keywords: artificial intelligence; big data; smart urban economy; sustainability
How to cite: Cunningham, E. (2021). “Artificial Intelligence-based Decision-Making Algorithms, Sustainable Organizational Performance, and Automated Production Systems in Big Data-Driven Smart Urban Economy,” Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics 9(1): 31–41. doi: 10.22381/jsme9120213.
Received 16 January 2021 • Received in revised form 14 March 2021
Accepted 15 March 2021 • Available online 20 March 2021