ANCA IULIA STOIAN, MIHNEA DRUMEAABSTRACT. Following Sullivan and Enriquez (2016), Chacón (2017), and Stageman (2017), this paper strives to prove that private organizations have been instrumental in constituting and supervising the immigration enforcement framework. Using data from Pew Research Center and Bureau of Justice Statistics, we performed an analysis and made estimations regarding federal criminal arrests by citizenship status, unauthorized US immigrants, number of federal convictions, and immigrant proportion of US population, and clarify that a more significant percentage of unauthorized immigrants are long-term residents.
JEL codes: F22; J61; O15; R23
Keywords: United States; immigration enforcement; private organization
How to cite: Stoian, Anca Iulia, and Mihnea Drumea (2017), “The Management of US Immigration Enforcement,” Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics 5(4): 87–92.
Received 13 March 2017 • Received in revised form 22 April 2017
Accepted 24 April 2017 • Available online 27 April 2017