LAURA HUDSON, ELLIE QIN, JOSHUA SHEPPARD, ANDREW SUMMERLIN, CHARLES M. CARSONABSTRACT. For the first two and half years of its operation, Charlie Thigpen’s Garden Gallery encountered several of the same issues that face many entrepreneurs in regards to time management and utilization of the right business model and operations. Charlie Thigpen’s expertise in gardening, along with his creative mind, was not always used to its full capability with the constantly growing demands of his daily business operations. This inability to properly use his time hindered this small company from reaching its full potential. Due to these unforeseen time constraints and a failed business plan, Charlie and his wife Cindy had to drastically pivot their business's direction in order to achieve their desired success and sustainability for the store. They, like many entrepreneurs, had their livelihood riding firmly upon the success of their business. This husband and wife team had to work together to make decisions that would help better themselves immediately in the retail store and for the future as they considered a transition to garden design focused business. This tandem would need to work diligently to implement new strategies in a low cost and efficient manner as a means to achieve their desired goals for the business. pp. 30–45
Keywords: retail family firm; time management; operations; strategic flexibility