A. CHR. (TINA) ENGELS-SCHWARZPAULABSTRACT. If educational leadership is about creating transformative change in education through collaborative relationships, sharing of knowledge about the educational environment and, of course, the creation of opportunities for others, the person in my career to have most consistently demonstrated educational leadership is Michael Peters. Constantly navigating the edges of a conventional academic career and accepting the possibility of failure, he built a repertoire of useful knowledge, practical skills and networks that he actively makes available to colleagues and students alike. As an educator, academic and intellectual mentor, Michael is in the habit of opening doors for others and creating new platforms for joint ventures. This paper renders an account of the connections between a cosmopolitan outlook and a pedagogy of letting learn, on the one hand, and the practical intellectual mentoring involved in the supervision of a doctoral thesis and in the mentoring for publication, on the other. The ability to participate in politics and friendship, an attentive understanding of self and others, and the art of teaching came together here to enlarge the space of possibilities. pp. 161–171
JEL codes: H52; H75; I21; I23
Keywords: cosmopolitics; critical education; educational ethics; engagement with difference and non-traditional students; learning in public and letting learn
How to cite: Engels-Schwarzpaul, A. Chr. (Tina) (2015), “Cosmopolitan Outlook: Opening Doors and Letting Learn,” Psychosociological Issues in Human Resource Management 3(2): 161–171.
Received 26 July 2015 • Received in revised form 19 August 2015
Accepted 19 August 2015 • Available online 24 November 2015