Depressive Symptoms, Extreme Anxiety, and Burnout Syndrome among Medical Personnel Providing Care to COVID-19 Patients
Kenneth BrownABSTRACT. Based on an in-depth survey of the literature, the purpose of the paper is to explore depressive symptoms, extreme anxiety, and burnout syndrome among medical personnel providing care to COVID-19 patients. Using and replicating data from Benenden Health, BMA, Commonwealth Fund, CMA, CPHA, GMU/CCCC, Harvard Medical School, MedPage Today, NCAA, Pew Research Center, Potloc, Statista, UNC School of Medicine, UPMC, Viamo, and YPCCC, I performed analyses and made estimates regarding anxiety and depression as extensive symptoms of psychological distress and of elevated burnout risk. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling.
JEL codes: H51; H75; I12; I18; D91
Keywords: COVID-19; depressive symptom; extreme anxiety; burnout syndrome
How to cite: Brown, K. (2020). “Depressive Symptoms, Extreme Anxiety, and Burnout Syndrome among Medical Personnel Providing Care to COVID-19 Patients,” Psychosociological Issues in Human Resource Management 8(2): 7–16. doi:10.22381/PIHRM8220201
Received 24 May 2020 • Received in revised form 19 November 2020
Accepted 20 November 2020 • Available online 25 November 2020