‘Flee, Avoid, Ignore, Suppress’: Physical and Socio-moral Disgust in Cristian Mungiu’s 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
LAURA CEIAABSTRACT. Ever since 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days earned the Palme d’or at the Cannes Film Festival in May of 2007, film critics around the world have talked about the ‘Romanian Miracle’ – namely, the unlikely birth of a new cinematic wave coming from a former communist country in the Balkans (“The Romanian Miracle,” and Quandt 2008). Given the constant dialogue that occurs between film and official history, the present article examines Cristian Mungiu’s movie under the lens of political issues. pp. 165–182
Keywords: abortion, communism, birth control, female body