GHEORGHE H. POPESCUABSTRACT. The material gathered in this study provides a rich and diverse context for understanding the effect of remittances on income inequality, the stability of remittance flows, the correlation between remittances and GDP growth, and the factors that determine the size of remittance flows. I am specifically interested in how previous research investigated the relationship between remittances and economic growth, remittances as complements of income in the home country, the causes of remitting behavior, and the relationship between remittances and macroeconomic variables. My paper contributes to the literature by providing evidence on effects of remittance inflows on recipient countries’ economic performance, remittances as a potential source of funding for economic growth, the influence of remittances on the development of migrant origin countries, and channels through which remittances can affect economic growth. pp. 121–126
JEL Codes: F24; F43; O47
Keywords: remittance flow; macroeconomic variable; economic growth
How to cite: Popescu, Gheorghe H. (2014), “The Macroeconomic Determinants of Migrant Remittance Flows,” Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 9(2): 121–126.