STEFAN CRISTEA, RAZVAN OLARU, FLORIN GROSEANU, ANDREI PRUNDEANU, DINU GARTONEA, SERBAN DRAGOSLOVEANUABSTRACT. The study tried to evaluate the advantages of mini-invasive prophylactic synthesis of contra lateral hip fractures in osteoporotic patients. 4 patients have been operated between 2009 and 2010 with hip fractures in osteoporotic patients. Neck fractures Garden IV in 2 patients and pertrochanteric fractures Kyle III and IV in two others patients. The fracture site was operated in dorsal decubitus under spinal anesthesia, we took advantage of this operation and anesthesia to perform a minimal invasive percutaneous synthesis for the nonfracture controlateral side. We used a simple implant, a quickly method during the same surgery time and anesthesia. The K wires with injected cement were percutaneously inserted. Through a 5 mm skin incision, a channel is created in the proximal femur bone and the implant, made of a fabric pouch hosting Titanium rods, is built percutaneously within the femur. A small amount of bone cement is then added, and interdigitates to the osteoporotic bone to further fixate the implant. Rehabilitation was obtained and full weight bearing was allowed immediately. The potential benefits expected with the use of this minimally invasive method are: Quick procedure – 15 min, No soft tissue or bone damage, No bleeding, short rehabilitation period, reduced morbidity and mortality, Low cost, same drape, single anesthesia. No hip fracture occurs since now at theses 4 patients. The method is simple, reproducible and economically. The osteoporotic patient will be operated during the same anesthesia after the operation of fractured hip. This is a simple method the preventive treatment of the contra lateral side at the same time with surgery treatment of fracture of all patients. Maybe in the future it will be useful the prophylactic injection of the osteoporotic hip only by biological cement. pp. 9–17
Keywords: prophylactic osteosinthesis; MIS; hip fracture; osteoporosis
How to cite: Cristea, Stefan, Razvan Olaru, Florin Groseanu, Andrei Prundeanu, Dinu Gartonea, and Serban Dragosloveanu (2014), "Synthesis of Controlateral Hip Fracture in Osteoporotic Patients – Prophylactic Treatment," American Journal of Medical Research 1(1): 9–17.