Remote Treatment of Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Digital Technologies, Smart Telemedicine Diagnosis Systems, and Virtual Care
George ClarkeABSTRACT. Despite the relevance of remote treatment of patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, only limited research has been conducted on this topic. Using and replicating data from Accenture, Deloitte, GlobalWebIndex, and McKinsey, I performed analyses and made estimates regarding the relationship between digital technologies, smart telemedicine diagnosis systems, and virtual care. The results of a study based on data collected from 4,800 respondents provide support for my research model. Using the structural equation modeling, I gathered and analyzed data through a self-administrated questionnaire.
Keywords: remote treatment; COVID-19; smart telemedicine; virtual care
How to cite: Clarke, G. (2020). “Remote Treatment of Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Digital Technologies, Smart Telemedicine Diagnosis Systems, and Virtual Care,” American Journal of Medical Research 7(2): 29–35. doi:10.22381/AJMR7220204
Received 10 July 2020 • Received in revised form 26 October 2020
Accepted 28 October 2020 • Available online 29 October 2020