Internet of Things-based Medical Applications, Wearable Sensor Systems, and Real-Time Health Monitoring
Shannon FinchamABSTRACT. Despite the relevance of Internet of Things-based medical applications, only limited research has been conducted on this topic. Using and replicating data from Accenture, Aruba, Deloitte, HIS, McKinsey & Co., and PAC, I performed analyses and made estimates regarding value to date from artificial intelligence adoption, by business function (% of respondents), business functions in which artificial intelligence has been adopted, by industry (% of respondents), worldwide revenue forecast of the home healthcare device and service market (in millions of $), and the preparedness of connected medical device manufacturers towards the implementation of industry specific and wider regulatory changes (%). The results of a study based on data collected from 4,200 respondents provide support for my research model. Using the structural equation modeling and employing the probability sampling technique, I gathered and analyzed data through a self-administrated questionnaire.
Keywords: Internet of Things; wearable sensor system; real-time health monitoring
How to cite: Fincham, Shannon (2019). “Internet of Things-based Medical Applications, Wearable Sensor Systems, and Real-Time Health Monitoring,” American Journal of Medical Research 6(2): 49–54. doi:10.22381/AJMR6220197
Received 4 June 2019 • Received in revised form 18 September 2019
Accepted 19 September 2019 • Available online 22 September 2019