
ABSTRACT. Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior of mankind says “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me” (Mk. 8:34). One of the first recommendations the Lord addresses to any Christian who follows Him and His example is to deny his selfish ego and to take up his cross willingly. “Let him deny himself” means denying the old man, the inclination to sin, the denial of the selfish and sinful ego, of φιλαυτία, which is the excessive love of the flesh and its passions, of all sinful deeds, of all impudent utterances, of the willingness to think ignobly, indecently and maliciously, of one’s own idiosyncrasies, of all egoistic, egocentric, unprepossessing and arrogant gestures, of all improper and void prejudices, of all vapid and nocuous conversations etc. In my paper, I wish to emphasize, starting from the writings of Holy Fathers, the fact that the phrase “take up one’s Cross” has profound meanings that can be approached from different perspectives as broached in numerous commentaries and nuanced interpretations. In my paper, I also considered it necessary to underline and reveal, as completely as possible, the fact that the ones that endure suffering with serenity, peace of mind and the lack of refusal and rebellion against it, are merrily hopeful that the suffering endured accompanied by content for God leads them to resurrection, to a new life. When we suffer and view God, suffering will become for us a gate to the heavenly Kingdom. The fact Christ the Crucified is risen and rules that place of praise to the right of the Father is, for us, a sign of hope, of the promise of dwelling in praise; since we have been with Him in suffering, we will also share with Him the Kingdom of grace and endless joy.

Keywords: patristic; interpretation; cross; daily; follow; Christ

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Dumitru Stăniloae Faculty of Orthodox Theology,
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iași, Romania

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