INGRID BOBERG, NESTA DEVINEABSTRACT. In this article we attempt to show the lived experience of the doctorate through lenses which are compounded of Deleuzian, Deweyan and Spinozan influences. We discuss the nature of the doctoral thesis as experience or experiment, and its effects on the beings who are involved with it. Nesta Devine, the supervisor, explains how she came to the techniques and understanding of social science research which underpin her practice. Ingrid Boberg, the student, describes the process as a history: how she came to study in this field, which is not her own field of expertise, and how her interests and skills were engaged and honed as she wrote the thesis. Underpinning this account is an understanding of research not as a process of discovering something that exists, but of creating a new form of understanding which is at the same time epistemological and ontological. pp. 100–113
Keywords: molar; molecular; rhizome; becoming; doctoral supervision; Deleuzian