The Ethics of (Un)Belonging in Education
Andrie SavvaABSTRACT. This contribution challenges fixed notions of belonging based on bounded conceptions of self and other and negative connotations of difference, emphasising the significance of such a stance for our predicament, a predicament marked by ecological degradation, social inequalities and necropolitical governance. It is nested within the posthuman turn, rejecting the superiority of Anthropos among all species and the earth, and of specific human models dividing us from others. It problematises otherness and belonging through a process of un-‘us’-ing and suggests (un)belonging as a philosophical concept emerging in practice that challenges fixed ways of thinking. (Un)belonging surpasses succinct definition as it is rhizomatic, fertilising conditions and creating new connections, an ethics indistinguishable from the onto-epistemo-political, animating potentials in education.
Keywords: (un)belonging; post-humanism; post-anthropocentrism; onto-epistemology; education
How to cite: Savva, A. (2024). The ethics of (un)belonging in education. Knowledge Cultures, 12(1), 235-256.
Received September 11, 2023 • Received in revised form January 17, 2024
Accepted February 23, 2024 • Available online April 1, 2024