ELVIRA NICA, IOAN HURJUI, IONELA GEORGIANA STEFAN (IFTIMIE)ABSTRACT. Considerable research attention has focused on the importance of suitable prevention and handling of bullying at work, the pernicious and flawed types of leadership as risk components for workplace bullying, the detrimental consequences of exposure to bullying conduct, and the link between workplace bullying and manifestations of psychological health disorders. This research makes conceptual and methodological contributions to the negative health consequences of bullying, the individual elements that may trigger incidences of workplace bullying, the relevance of organizational components to grasping the intrinsic dynamics of workplace bullying, and the function of the work environment and the coordination of work in supplying conditions beneficial to workplace bullying. The overall results provide strong evidence for the detrimental effects of workplace bullying for targets, observers and organizations, the connection between workplace bullying and psychological distress, the significance of interplays between people and their setting in workplace bullying mechanisms, and workplace bullying as long-run and thoroughgoing exposure to gradually more severe kinds of hostility, rudeness and social marginalization by other organization members. pp. 83–89
JEL codes: J28; J64; P36
Keywords: work environment; workplace bullying; health; organization
How to cite: Nica, Elvira, Ioan Hurjui, and Ionela Georgiana Stefan (Iftimie) (2016), “The Relevance of the Organizational Environment in Workplace Bullying Processes,” Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics 4(2): 83–89.
Received 10 December 2015 • Received in revised form 17 April 2016
Accepted 18 April 2016 • Available online 12 June 2016