Consumer Risk Perceptions, Behavioral Intentions, and Purchasing Habits toward Delivery Apps
Robert Watson*ABSTRACT. In this article, I cumulate previous research findings indicating that continuance intention and performance expectancy of food delivery apps shape risk perception in relation to COVID-19. I contribute to the literature on consumer risk perceptions, behavioral intentions, and purchasing habits toward delivery apps by showing that behavioral emotions and purchasing choices, decisions, and habits configure food delivery ordering experience by use of mobile apps. Throughout January 2022, I performed a quantitative literature review of the Web of Science, Scopus, and ProQuest databases, with search terms including “delivery app” + “consumer risk perception,” “behavioral intention,” and “purchasing habit.” As I inspected research published in 2020 and 2021, only 147 articles satisfied the eligibility criteria. By eliminating controversial findings, outcomes unsubstantiated by replication, too imprecise material, or having similar titles, I decided upon 23, generally empirical, sources. Reporting quality assessment tool: PRISMA. Methodological quality assessment tools include: AXIS, Dedoose, ROBIS, and SRDR.
JEL codes: D12; D22; D91; L66; E71
Keywords: consumer; perception; behavior; intention; purchasing habit; delivery app
How to cite: Watson, R. (2022). “Consumer Risk Perceptions, Behavioral Intentions, and Purchasing Habits toward Delivery Apps,” Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics 10(1): 56–68. doi: 10.22381/jsme10120224.
Received 24 January 2022 • Received in revised form 23 March 2022
Accepted 26 March 2022 • Available online 30 March 2022