ESSIA RIES AHMED, MD. AMINUL ISLAM, KU HALIM BIN ARIFFIN, MD. MONIRUZZAMANABSTRACT. Islamic Sukuk (Islamic bonds) has recently emerged as one of the most important tools for Islamic investment and finance. Sukuks are influential and have effective impact on various economic and banking transactions to the extent that they have secured a strong foothold in the international money and stock markets. Today, Islamic sukuk is among the most successful financial product in the Islamic financial industry and one of the fastest-growing sectors in the global financial landscape. This research identifies the contemporary challenges that Islamic Sukuk has been facing. It contends that sukuk faces challenges on three fronts: sukuk as a market, development of sukuk, and sukuk mechanisms. pp. 44–59
JEL Codes: G12, R51, D53
Keywords: Islamic Sukuk (bonds); Islamic financing; conventional bonds; Shariah
How to cite: Ahmed, Essia Ries, MD. Aminul Islam, Ku Halim Bin Ariffin, MD. Moniruzzaaman (2014), “Contemporary Challenges and Prospects of Sukuk,” Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics 1(4): 44–59.