COVID-19 Sentiments, Attitudes, Habits, and Behaviors in LGBTQ+ Populations
Kimberly MitchellABSTRACT. This paper analyzes the outcomes of an exploratory review of the current research on COVID-19 sentiments, attitudes, habits, and behaviors in LGBTQ+ populations. The data used for this study was obtained and replicated from previous research conducted by BMA, Chapman University, CHCF, FEMM, Ginger, LendingTree, MAP, Nursing Times, Rek et al. (2020), UPMC, and ValuePenguin. I performed analyses and made estimates regarding increased psychological distress among marginalized sexual and gender minority populations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data collected from 5,400 respondents are tested against the research model. Descriptive statistics of compiled data from the completed surveys were calculated when appropriate.
Keywords: COVID-19; LGBTQ+; sentiment; attitude; habit; behavior
How to cite: Mitchell, K. (2021). “COVID-19 Sentiments, Attitudes, Habits, and Behaviors in LGBTQ+ Populations,” Journal of Research in Gender Studies 11(1): 20–30. doi: 10.22381/JRGS11120212.
Received 12 November 2020 • Received in revised form 4 July 2021
Accepted 13 July 2021 • Available online 26 July 2021