Henri Coandă and Constantin Brâncuși: unveiling the future
MIHAI A. STROEABSTRACT. We introduce to the reader the research platform Creativity, whose conception is presented as standing under the sign of Henri Coandă and Constantin Brâncuși. Consequently, in a first contribution to this platform, we explore the connection between Henri Coandă and Constantin Brâncuși, which up to now has been practically totally ignored in Brâncuși studies. That the connection between the two great men exists is demonstrated at least by the clues left in an interview taken by V. Firoiu (1969, 1971). We explore Coandă’s legacy in science and philosophy and show its romantic dimensions; we discuss the Brâncuși canon by pointing out that a new entity is emerging inside it: a Brâncuși textual corpus has been slowly constituted, even if to date surrounded by controversy and numberless uncertainties – this corpus reveals Brâncuși in new lights not before known to the general public. We explore what we call Brâncuși’s magic romanticism, his interest in flight, and ramifications of this kind of romanticism in symbols of flight in contemporary literature (the Mockingjay of Suzanne Collins’s The Hunger Games). pp. 3–80
Keywords: flight; future; past; essence; information; magic romanticism; scientific romanticism (Naturphilosophie); living art; magic bird; the Mockingjay
How to cite: Stroe MA (2018) Henri Coandă and Constantin Brâncuși: unveiling the future. Creativity 1(1): 3–80. doi:10.22381/C1120181